The hotel is nice, a little tired but nice.
Unfortunately on day 2 I got the most severe food poisoning ever - 24 hours of vomiting, Diarrhoea, fever, chills, nausea etc. and then went to see the on-site Dr.
I spent 4 hours on a drip, and was discharged with medication for 3 further days - which cost me Euro430
The next few days, Thursday 13th to Saturday 15th, I was still under the weather, nausea and unable to eat properly, Sunday 16th, I still couldn't eat but felt a little better. It's now been a week (19th March) and I am still unable to eat properly and waiting to see my GP
I spoke to Guest Services and they said "I can't prove I didn't leave the resort so they hold zero accountability" They wished me better but never said sorry - they also lied to me saying no one else got sick - I took a very bad turn on flight home and air stewards looking after me, said they had 3 others on the flight from the Melia Dunas with the same symptoms
I spent 5 of the 7 days there sick, unable to eat more than white rice / bread rolls
It's not a cheap holiday and zero apologies, just lies and the offer to "bring me food to my room"
So angry!