Absolute nightmare!!
From the moment we walked into our room, it was clear this place had zero standards of hygiene or comfort. The first thing that hit us was the stench—an overwhelming musty odor that seemed to be embedded in every inch of the stained, grimy carpet, you could not breath on the second floor. We walked theough the hall with our faces covered, because the smell was so bad. It felt like the whole hotel had given up on basic cleanliness. The real horror awaited us in the bed. As we pulled back the sheets, we found, a live bed bug crawling across the pillow. Hair, staines and dirt covered the sheets. Fake eyelashes were stuck to the headboard. There was hair and dirt all jver the bathroom. My kids were terrified, and we spent the entire night in absolute fear of what might crawl on us. This place is a complete disgrace. If you value your health and sanity, stay far, far away.